Little Conestoga Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan

This report, prepared in January of 2003, was the LCWA’s first planning effort and provided the initial vision for the group and helped get many restoration and planting projects implemented. It was funded through the PA DEP’s Growing Greener Program and was expertly prepared by RETTEW (Mark A. Metzler, Watershed Specialist). This report is still a valuable resource for the group’s planning efforts and provided the foundation for the current Little Conestoga Watershed Action Plan. It is divided into thirteen sections; including an Introduction, Watershed Characteristics, Sources and Causes of Impairments, Macroinvertebrate Investigation, Fishery Investigation, Water Chemistry Investigations, Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species, Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitat Investigation, Municipal and County Governments, Partnerships and Public Relations, Completed Restoration Projects, Future Restoration Endeavors, and References.


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