Contribute to LCWA

Our organization relies upon external grants and donations to support our efforts.  Funds are used to cover all project expenses as well as some money for educational outreach that does not qualify for grant money. (Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.)

What kinds of things your donation will go towards?

$10 Plants one native tree seedling for a stream side planting

$25 Plants two native shrubs for a bird habitat

$50 Plants ten native wildflowers to support pollinators

$100 Provides seeds for small wildflower meadow

$500 Installs one rain garden to manage storm water runoff

Would you like to contribute?

Download the Form »

To make a contribution, please make checks payable to LCWA and mail to:

P.O. Box 6355
Lancaster, PA 17607

Volunteer Opportunities

Please contact us or check out our facebook page for volunteer opportunities.

What YOU Can Do

At Home

  • Landscape your yard with native plants that require less water and fertilizer and provide food and shelter for wildlife.
  • Use only organic fertilizers and pesticides in the amount that lawns and plants need.
  • Minimize the use of lawn areas and impervious surfaces in your landscape.
  • Install a rain garden or rain barrel at your home.

On the Farm

  • Leave crop residues on the fields to reduce soil runoff and prevent sediment, fertilizers and pesticides from entering streams.
  • Practice proper barnyard management.
  • Install fencing and stabilized crossings to control stream access of grazing animals.

In Your Community

  • Think and act as stewards of the watershed. It is a direct way to recognize the relationships and interdependence between ourselves and the water and land we depend on: Educate yourself and others about becoming stewards of your watershed.
  • Protect wetlands that serve as natural buffers against pollution, soil erosion and flooding.
  • Join and become active in your watershed alliance through various volunteer opportunities.